Workout Smarter, Not Harder: Designing a Fitness Program You'll Actually Stick With
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Workout Smarter, Not Harder: Designing a Fitness Program You'll Actually Stick With

Let's be honest—there's something quite satisfying about the "classic" workout approach. You know the one: Monday is chest day, Tuesday is back day, Wednesday is legs... and by Friday, you're dragging yourself through arm exercises, wondering why you started this whole fitness thing in the first place.

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The Real Truth About Fat Loss (No Magic Pills Required)
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

The Real Truth About Fat Loss (No Magic Pills Required)

We get it, weight loss can seem overwhelming with all of the conflicting information out there. But today, we're going to cut through all the noise and talk about what actually works for fat loss. No gimmicks, no fancy supplements, just straight-up science and real talk from someone who's been in the fitness industry long enough to see every trend come and go.

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Beat the Winter Blues: Essential Fitness and Wellness Gear for Staying Active
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Beat the Winter Blues: Essential Fitness and Wellness Gear for Staying Active

Let's be real - winter can be tough on our fitness motivation. (Especially for those of us who live in Canada). Those dark, cold mornings make staying in bed seem far more appealing than hitting a workout. With that being said, it’s possible to get yourself (or ask Santa) for some products to help you with your health and fitness, even during the holidays.

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Staying Fit While Traveling: A Balanced Approach
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Staying Fit While Traveling: A Balanced Approach

As a personal trainer, one of the most common concerns I hear from clients is how to maintain their fitness routine while travelling. Whether it's a short business trip or an extended vacation, the challenge of staying in shape away from home is real. But with the right mindset, nutrition strategies, and exercise plan, you can enjoy your travels without derailing your fitness goals. Let me share some insights and practical tips I've gathered from my own experiences over the years of travel and training.

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Mastering the Pull-Up: Your Gateway to Upper Body Strength
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Mastering the Pull-Up: Your Gateway to Upper Body Strength

Today, we’re going to dive into one of my favourite exercises — pull-ups. And while some of you may already be able to perform a pull-up, many of you won’t be there just yet, and that’s okay. For those who aren’t there (just yet), we’re going to lay out some principles and tips that will allow you to progress to that point. And for those that can, we’ll give you some ideas for progression.

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5 Ways to Squat without a barbell
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

5 Ways to Squat without a barbell

No barbell? No problem! Today, we’ve got 5 squat variations that you can do anywhere.

We get it - sometimes you can't make it to the gym, or maybe you're just starting out and aren't quite ready for the barbell yet. But that doesn't mean you have to skip leg day! As personal trainers, we're always looking for ways to help you stay fit and strong, no matter your circumstances.

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Summer Fitness Survival Guide: Enjoy Social Events and Stay in Shape!
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Summer Fitness Survival Guide: Enjoy Social Events and Stay in Shape!

For many, summer is their favourite time of year. The season of sunshine, beach trips, barbecues, and endless social events. It's a time to relax and have fun, but it can also be a challenge to maintain your fitness routine.

It's easy to get off track with all the parties, vacations, and social outings. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with practical tips to balance fun and fitness, so you can enjoy your summer while staying in shape.

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Prioritizing Your Well-Being in a Busy World
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

Prioritizing Your Well-Being in a Busy World

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, improve performance, or simply enjoy your life, healthy nutrition habits are important. In the fast-paced world in which we live, maintaining optimal nutrition can be a challenge, especially for busy professionals. However, with the right strategies, it's possible to fuel your body for success without sacrificing time or health. 

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10 Smart Nutrition Habits for Busy Professionals
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

10 Smart Nutrition Habits for Busy Professionals

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, improve performance, or simply enjoy your life, healthy nutrition habits are important. In the fast-paced world in which we live, maintaining optimal nutrition can be a challenge, especially for busy professionals. However, with the right strategies, it's possible to fuel your body for success without sacrificing time or health.

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Benefits of Muscle Mass
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

Benefits of Muscle Mass

Building muscle is so important to your health. Recent studies have highlighted the multifaceted benefits of preserving and building muscle mass throughout life. From metabolic health to injury prevention to overall health and well-being, the importance of muscle mass cannot be overstated. This article aims to delve into the reasons why muscle mass is vital for health, drawing upon the most current research and findings.

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The Beginner's Guide to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey
Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes Paul Wadsworth, Personal Trainer at Everyday Athletes

The Beginner's Guide to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey is a transformative experience that goes way beyond physical and mental health. It enables you to become a better, more resilient version of yourself who is capable of facing the challenges that life brings. In this guide, we'll explore the essential steps to kickstart your fitness journey and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

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At what age should kids start "fitness training" for sports?
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

At what age should kids start "fitness training" for sports?

This question came up in an online soccer coaching forum that I'm part of: "My U13's will be playing on a bigger pitch this year, should I add extra fitness to our training sessions to get them ready for that?"

The overwhelming response from others in the group was something like: "Kids don't need fitness training, they'll get fit by playing."

Here's my issue with that: There are many dimensions of fitness, it's not just cardio endurance. While a 12/13 year old won't benefit much from maximum strength, anaerobic capacity or plyometrics (that is to say, natural development will happen faster) they will gain massively from muscular endurance, coordination, balance, control, body awareness, proprioception and mental strength.

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Post-workout Nutrition
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

Post-workout Nutrition

With all the information, exercise trends, fad diets and fit-teas out there, it's hard to know what to do. In this blog I'm going to throw all the bullshit out the 20 minute anabolic window and make post-workout nutrition easy to understand and even easier to get right.

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When and How to Take a Rest Day
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

When and How to Take a Rest Day

How much rest should you take? Should you do nothing at all? What if you don’t feel like you need a rest? What if you feel like you do need a rest but it’s not a rest day? Does having a cheat day on the same day interfere with recovery? What will happen to all your gainzzzz if you mess it up?

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Goal setting - How to not fail
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

Goal setting - How to not fail

"A goal without a plan, is just a dream." That's the reason why most people don't get what they want; they spend too much time dreaming and not enough time planning. That leads me to the topic of this blog: Outcome-based goals and Process-based goals.

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Strength training for runners
Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes Robbie Hannon, Co-owner at Everyday Athletes

Strength training for runners

How is being stronger going to help you be a better runner, with less injuries and less chance of getting injured?

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